In 1954 Edward (Teddy) Daniels is a widower and U.S. Marshall, who, along with his partner Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo) is going by boat to Shutter Island home of The Ashecliffe Hospital for the criminally insane to investigate the disappearance of a murderous patient that has escaped her room despite being under tight supervision. The doctor in charge, Dr. Cawley (Ben Kingsley) is not very helpful at all with regard to the investigation.
Teddy has another motive for going to the hospital, his wife Dolores (Michelle Williams) died there while being incarcerated for killing their three children. Teddy also seems to believe that government experiments are performed at the facility just as they were performed on the prisoners kept at concentration camps during WWII where Teddy helped to liberate the victims.
As they begin their investigation, Teddy hears that there is a 67th patient that isn't shown on the records kept by the hospital. A hurricane occurs and the Marshall's can't leave the facility and stay overnight. Teddy and Chuck check out the infamous Ward C which is where the most dangerous patients are kept. There, Chuck finds a patient that he had dealt with as a cop. The patient tells him not to trust Chuck. When Chuck and Teddy separate, Teddy finds an ex-psychiatrist hiding in a cave in a cliff. She said that she too escaped and that he can trust no one on the island.
Teddy is told that Chuck does not exist and he runs to a lighthouse on the island where he is certain that they are running the tests on the patients to find that the tests are not happening. He finds that he is actually a man named Andrew Laeddis (Using the same letters to make up Edward Daniels) who is at the hospital because he actually murdered his wife after she murdered their three children. Dr. Cawley and Chuck, who is actually Andrew's psychiatrist Dr. Sheehan, came up with a plan to get Andrew to act out a scenario in the hopes that he would confront the truth and have a breakthrough and regain his sanity so that he can avoid getting a lobotomy.
Later, it seems as though Andrew has fallen back into his Teddy persona...or has he.
I found this movie to be better than some of the critics thought that it was. As I have said before, I am finding that Dicaprio is becoming a fine actor.
Rated R. I give this movie THREE AND ONE HALF STARS.
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