The residents of a small mid western town are suddenly going insane. What's going on?
Sheriff David Dutton (Timothy Olyphant) spots a resident that everyone knows coming onto the field of a high school baseball game in progress. He walks right through the middle of the game, so the sheriff figures he's just drunk and goes out to the field to confront him. The resident takes out a gun and David is forced to shoot him.
David and his Deputy Russell (Joe Anderson) go out to investigate a dead soldier that has been found out in the woods and discover that a plane had crashed in a body of water, the water that the towns drinking water comes from. They come to the conclusion that the ever increasing amount of people doing nutty things is caused by something on the plane that has seeped into the drinking water.
All of a sudden the town is overrun by soldiers who take everyone that might be infected, including David's doctor wife Judy (Radha Mitchell). David escapes from a group of people being "released" and tries to save Judy and her employee Becca (Danielle Panabaker) from being killed by an infected man who is systematically killing people with a pitchfork while they are strapped to gurneys.
David and Russell are able to rescue them and the four of them try to get out of town by hiding from infected people and soldiers alike. Unfortunately Becca and Russell don't make it. I won't tell you how, but one of them is involved in an unfortunate car wash altercation.
David and Judy end up at a truck stop and realize that the soldiers are killing everyone, not just the infected when they spot a huge pile of bodies. This is probably so that word did not get out to the rest of the population.
The last scene is the two of them running toward a large city as a satellite shows the computer saying "initiate containment protocol" about the town they are heading towards. Ouchie!!
This movie wasn't actually that bad for this kind of genre. It is a remake of a movie made in 1973. The photo on the right is from the 1973 version.
Rated R. 101 Minutes. I give this movie TWO AND THREE QUARTERS STARS. (ALMOST THREE STARS)
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