Friday, June 3, 2011

The Hangover II (2011)

It's happening again. Yes, our boys have gotten themselves into a bit of a pickle. This film basically follows the same formula that the first installment has, I guess the feeling is why mess with it if it makes millions of dollars. I myself can't help stopping to watch the original every time I stumble upon it on HBO. I also find myself singing about what tigers dream of.

This version has everyone going overseas to Thailand for Stu's (Ed Helms) wedding to Lauren. They are here because it is important to Lauren to make her father, who has nothing but rotten things to say about Stu, happy. Right before the wedding, the boys decide to have a drink on the beach and have included Lauren's little brother Teddy (Mason Lee) in their group much to Alan's (Zach Galifianakis) disdain. In the morning, Phil (Bradley Cooper) and the rest of our group, wake up in Bangkok in a totally disgusting hotel room. Doug (Justin Bartha) left the group before the action happened, so he woke up at the beautiful resort in Thailand. The missing element here is Teddy minus his finger which is found in the hotel room. Mr. Chow also plays a larger part as does a very talented monkey.

The critics really ripped this one up, but the people seemed to enjoy it. I thought it was pretty funny although there were a couple of parts that were pretty crude.

102 Minutes. Rated R. I give this film THREE STARS.

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