Monday, June 14, 2010

Sex And The City 2 (2010)

This follow up to the first movie was not as good as the first, but not as bad as the critics said it was.

It is a couple of years after Big (Chris Noth) and Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) got married and Carrie is finding that her marriage has begun to be more Ho Hum that she would like (Duh!). Miranda is unhappy with her job, Charlotte is overwhelmed as a Mom and Samantha has been struggling with menopause and is trying to get her mojo back.

Samantha has a client from Abu Dhabi that has offered to fly her there for a business venture and she decides to take her friends.

Most of the movie takes place in the middle east and their adventures in the desert. The opulence is extraordinary as are the over the top fashions, although there is none of the concentration on fashion as a subject as there was in the first movie. There were a few funny parts, although I did not like some of the parts when they were in the middle east markets.

I thought that the movie was just o.k. Let's put it this way, to this day if I am flipping through channels and I see the first movie, I stop (much to Brian's chagrin). If I am flipping and I see THIS film, I won't feel the need to stop. Don't get me wrong, as I said earlier it is not as horribly awful as most of the critics said it was (they hacked it to death) but it isn't nearly as good as the first one and I certainly didn't laugh as hard as I did when Charlotte "poughkeepsied" in her pants! It was also much too long and the plot much too thin. Also, Anthony and Stanford's wedding made me want to vomit swan feathers. Liza Minelli's "Single Ladies" rendition just went on and on.

The movie was actually filmed mostly in Morocco as they couldn't get permission in Abu Dhabi because of the film's content. This movie also has plenty of great cameo's by celebrities like Liza Minelli, Penelope Cruz and Miley Cyrus.

146 Minutes. Rated R. I give this film TWO STARS.

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