This movie is supposed to be about actual events that occurred in Nome Alaska in October of 2000.
Dr. Abigail Tyler (the real one), a psychologist, is being interviewed about these events and the movie mixes in actual footage with the film often using a split screen with the actual footage along with the filmed footage.
Dr. Tyler's husband was recently murdered and she is seeing another therapist, Dr. Campos (Elias Koteas), to help her deal with it. Her daughter Ashley (around 6) has become blind from the trauma, she also has a son that is about 12.
Dr. Tyler (Milla Jovovich) returns to Nome and gets back to work interviewing her own patients. She finds that she is hearing the same stories over and over. Her patients seem to be having difficulty sleeping and they see a white owl outside their window with some of them remembering a white owl from their childhoods. She decides to put one of her patients under hypnosis to ask them about it. The patient, Tommy, gets all upset about something he has seen and jumps off the couch. Dr. Tyler wakes him up and he won't tell her what he saw. Later that night, he holds his family hostage and wants to talk to Dr. Tyler. He says that he must shoot his family because of what he had seen and begins to talk in a strange language then proceeds to murder his family as well as kill himself. The sheriff (Will Patton) thinks that something that Dr. Tyler did when she hypnotized Tommy is what caused this.
Dr. Campos flies to Nome from Anchorage to see Dr. Tyler and sits in while she hypnotizes Scott, another patient. Scott goes under, freaks out, wakes up then throws up. After Scott leaves, Dr. Tyler tries to talk to Dr. Campos about alien abduction, the supposed "Fourth Kind" of contact with aliens. As they are about to leave the office, her secretary gives her a tape that she was transcribing. On the tape is Dr. Tyler screaming and a strange voice talking in another language. Dr. Tyler goes home to try and remember what happened. She contacts a man, Dr. Odsumani (Hakeem Kae-Kazim) that specializes in old languages and he says that it is an ancient language called Sumerian. He listens to the tapes and recognizes the words "examine" and "destroy". Dr. Tyler gets a call from Scott's wife saying that Scott wants to be hypnotized again. He begins levitating off the bed and screaming in Sumerian. Scott's neck is broken at the end of the session and the sheriff again blames Dr. Tyler and wants to arrest her, but she talks him out of it and he places a deputy outside of her house. While he is there, he sees a large bright light over the Tyler home and when the police go into the house, Dr. Tyler's daughter Ashley is missing. The sheriff thinks that there is something wrong with Dr. Tyler and takes her son out of her custody.
Dr. Tyler gets hypnotized by Dr. Campos and Dr. Odusami in the hopes that she may be able to find out what happened to her daughter. When she goes under, she freaks out and begins speaking in Sumerian. Something happens in the room and all three people are gone. Dr. Tyler wakes up in the hospital with a neck brace on and she tells Sheriff August that they were all abducted. Sheriff August says that her husband was not murdered, that he committed suicide and Dr. Tyler says that there was no way that he would have done that but decides that she must have suppressed the memory of the event.
The interview ends and it shows that Dr. Tyler is in a wheelchair. Ashley is never found and she has no contact with her son who still blames her for Ashley's disappearance.
This was pretty bad. The supposed "real" footage looked like it was filmed by bad actors. The split screen thing was annoying.
Rated PG-13. 98 Minutes. I give this movie ONE AND ONE HALF STARS.
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