This film is an adaptation of a novel by James Hilton, the author who also wrote "Lost Horizon". The film begins as a man in an insane asylum is hopeful that a couple is coming to claim him as their son. This man, John Smith (Ronald Coleman), has amnesia since being fired upon while in a foxhole during WWI in 1917. He is not identified by the couple as their son. When the war is declared over, he manages to slip out of the facility during the celebration. He finds a friend in a woman, Paula (Greer Garson) who is a member of a Vaudeville troupe working in the English town where they are located. They fall in love, marry and settle in a small English country village. They are very poor but very happy and have a child a few years after settling in the village. John finds that he has a talent as a writer and need to go to Liverpool for an interview. While there, he gets hit by a car and regains his memory, but forgets all that transpired since he originally got amnesia.
His name is Charles Ranier and he finds his way home where his family are wealthy members of society. When he returns home, his sisters' young stepdaughter, Kitty (Susan Peters), decides that she is in love with him and continues to write him letters from her boarding school. As he takes over the business, he begins to get involved in politics. When Kitty comes of age, she returns and they decide to marry. It is at this point that we also find out that his wife Paula has taken a job as his secretary to be close to him. His marriage plans don't work out and as his political career begins to take off, he asks Paula to marry him in name only because a politician should have a wife. When Paula decides to take a trip, John has to go to the same small town in which the asylum was located to stop a strike at a mill. His memory begins to come back and he finds his way to the little cottage that he lived in with Paula. Paula walks up behind him and his memory rushes back to him. Awwwwww!!!
This was a very good movie, especially for those of us who like sappy love stories (Guilty!). It was interesting though that back then, they weren't so careful with the details with regards to time periods or accents when filming. The film was supposed to take place from 1917 to the early 1920's, yet the clothing and hairstyles they wear are decidedly from the 40's. They are living in England, yet their accents sound as though they are from New England. This does not detract from the movie however, especially since clothing from the 1940's is my favorite era.
This movie was nominated for seven oscars, but did not win any. Greer Garson won an Oscar for another movie "Mrs. Miniver".
125 Minutes. Not Rated. I give this movie THREE AND ONE HALF STARS.
Thanks Julie for recommending this film!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
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