Saturday, October 3, 2009

Zombieland (2009)

A virus has infected humanity. How it happened and how far it reaches, no one knows. About the only thing that is clear is that there are not many people still around that are not infected. The only uninfected humans that we see are five people and no animals.

This movie was a riot! It was short, (less than an hour and a half) but we laughed through most of it. The movie is narrated by Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg, who was last seen in "Adventureland" which was a big disappointment) who, in his quest to stay alive in the Zombie filled world has made up a list of items that a Zombie Evader needs to live by. For example, he warns that one needs to be careful in the bathroom as Zombie's like to crawl under the stall doors. Throughout the movie, his list of rules pops up on the screen, very amusing in opportune moments. He meets up with Talahassee (Woody Harrelson) and they decide to travel toward Texas. I am not usually a big fan of Harrelson, (again because he seems like kind of a jerk in real life) but he nails it here as a Twinkie hunting badass in a wardrobe right out of "Wild at Heart" (love the Python jacket). He likes to find some of the more interesting ways to kill Zombie's, think garden tools.

While on one of their stops in the search for Talahassee's Twinkies, they stumble upon a couple of sisters, Wichita (Emma Stone) and Little Rock (Abigail Breslin) who turn out to be a couple of con-artists. Yes, everyone seems to go by names of places that they are either from or are going toward. They all straighten out their differences and decide to head to the west coast to an amusement park called Pacific Playland that is rumored to be Zombie free. When they get to L.A. they decide to crash at a nice home for the night and end up at Bill Murray's house where they meet the celebrity who turns in an awesomely funny performance.

Brian and I laughed through most of this movie. It also received a huge ovation in the theater. There was a lot of gore, but it was gross and funny at the same time. The gore seemed kind of cartoonish with a lot of drooling and black and red spew. Nice!

If you are looking for another good Zombie type movie that is more of a comedy, check out "Shaun of the Dead". It takes place in England.

This movie was highly entertaining. I am giving this THREE and THREE QUARTERS stars.

Rated R

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